
Our Next Virtual Retreat will announced soon


 Experience freedom through Came to Believe Recovery

Came to Believe Recovery is an additional recovery program rooted in a Spiritual Awakening.

We have proven time and time again that you can be free from your addiction, pain, and limitations in only 3 days.

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Registration includes

Hard copy of the Legacy Guide Workbook, 3 days of programming,, Follow up session 1 week later, Small group sessions, One on one time with veteran leaders

Registration Closed


$75USD/ £54(please check current conversion rates)

Financial Assistance Available

To Request Financial Assistance please contact Melissa ,

Organizer: Casarah Morales

UK Registration Liaison: Melissa

Registration Closed

Retreat Schedule

Friday Session 1


10:45 am: Login Opens
11:00 am: Welcome & Program Overview
11:20 am: Steve-Intro History
11:45 am: Step 1 Teaching
12:30 pm: Breakout Rooms, Introductions & Questions
12:45 pm: Step 2 Intro to Step 3
1:30 pm: Breakout Rooms Open
2:00 pm: Close


1:45 pm: Login Opens
2:00 pm: Welcome & Program Overview
2:20 pm: Steve-Intro History
2:45 pm: Step 1 Teaching
3:30 pm: Breakout Rooms, Introductions & Questions
3:45 pm: Step 2 Intro to Step 3
4:30 pm: Breakout Rooms Open
5:00 pm: Close


6:45 pm: Login Opens
7:00 pm: Welcome & Program Overview
7:20 pm: Steve-Intro History
7:45 pm: Step 1 Teaching
8:30 pm: Breakout Rooms, Introductions & Questions
8:45 pm: Step 2 Intro to Step 3
9:30 pm: Breakout Rooms Open
10:00 pm: Close

Friday Session 2


3:45 pm: Login Opens
4:00 pm: Welcome & Program Overview
4:20 pm: Steve-Intro History
4:45 pm: Step 1 Teaching
5:30 pm: Breakout Rooms, Introductions & Questions
5:45 pm: Step 2 Intro to Step 3
6:30 pm: Breakout Rooms Open
7:00 pm: Close


6:45 pm: Login Opens
7:00 pm: Welcome & Program Overview
7:20 pm: Steve-Intro History
7:45 pm: Step 1 Teaching
8:30 pm: Breakout Rooms, Introductions & Questions
8:45 pm: Step 2 Intro to Step 3
9:30 pm: Breakout Rooms Open
9:30 pm: Close


11:45 pm: Login Opens
12:00 am (Saturday UK): Welcome & Program Overview
12:20 am: Steve-Intro History
12:45 am: Step 1 Teaching
1:30 am: Breakout Rooms, Introductions & Questions
1:45 am: Step 2 Intro to Step 3
2:30 am: Breakout Rooms Open
3:00 am: Close



8:00 am: Welcome & Overview of the Day
8:15 am: Step 3 Teaching
8:45 am: Breakout Room Step 3 Questions/Prayer Overview
9:00 pm: Step 4 and 5 Teaching
10:20 pm: Step 4 and 5 Breakout Rooms – Meal break
12:00 pm: Steps 6-9 (10 minute break after Step 7)
1:40 pm: Breakout rooms


11:00 am: Welcome & Overview of the Day
11:15 am: Step 3 Teaching
11:45 am: Breakout Room Step 3 Questions/Prayer Overview
12:00 pm: Step 4 and 5 Teaching
1:20 pm: Step 4 and 5 Breakout Rooms – Meal break
3:00 pm: Steps 6-9 (10 minute break after Step 7)
4:40 pm: Breakout rooms


4:00 pm: Welcome & Overview of the Day
4:15 pm: Step 3 Teaching
4:45 pm: Breakout Room Step 3 Questions/Prayer Overview
5:00 pm: Step 4 and 5 Teaching
6:20 pm: Step 4 and 5 Breakout Rooms – Meal Break
8:00 pm: Steps 6-9
9:40 pm: Breakout rooms



8:00 am: Welcome

8:15 am: Step 10

9:15 am: Breakout rooms

9:35 am: Step 11 and 12 Living in the Go

10:35 am: Breakout rooms

11:00 am: Came to Believe

11:45 am: Closing Remarks

11:50 am: Breakout rooms


11:00 am: Welcome

11:15 am: Step 10

12:15 pm: Breakout rooms

12:35 pm: Step 11 and 12 Living in the Go

1:35 pm: Breakout rooms

2:00 pm: Came to Believe

2:45 pm: Closing Remarks

2:50 pm: Breakout rooms


4:00 pm: Welcome

4:15 pm: Step 10

5:15 pm: Breakout rooms

5:35 pm: Step 11 and 12 Living in the Go

6:35 pm: Breakout rooms

7:00 pm: Came to Believe

7:45 pm: Closing Remarks

7:50 pm: Breakout rooms

Retreat Testimonials

Freedom from an Eating Disorder

Freedom from Alcohol Addiction

Freedom to Experience True Sobriety


Tom is committed to the CTBR mission to #ENDADDICTION throughout the world and to help all the broken learn how to become free and Live in The Go. He makes it a priority to work with alcoholics one on one whenever possible.

Tom Williams is the CEO of Came to Believe Recovery since 2018. Attending well over 100 retreats made Tom uniquely qualified to lead the movement. While Came to Believe Retreats have been around for decades, this coalition of leaders was essentially a startup, requiring universal branding, training, and materials for all events. Tom is a veteran of the US Army and spent 15 years as a fitness professional. Once RECOVERED, Tom earned an undergraduate degree in business followed by an MBA — graduating with high honors. Tom worked as a recruiter for Centenary University and advanced to become the Director of Business Development. Tom has a passion for running and weight training and his favorite hobby is playing guitar.

Casarah joined Came to Believe Recovery in 2021. She has a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and Political Science from Muhlenberg College and has a Masters Degree in Forensic Psychology from George Washington University. Casarah previously worked for Morris County Prevention is Key-C.A.R.E.S as the peer services coordinator. At C.A.R.E.S, Casarah ran recovery meetings, did outreach to high risk populations/homeless populations, handed out Narcan while teaching the individuals how to use it, and supported all individuals that entered the recovery center. She has taken training such as Peer Recovery Specialist Training, Mental Health First Aid, and Trans/Queer/LGBTQ+ Cultural Competence. Casarah entered this field because she wanted to be a part of creating a continuum of care for those with substance use disorders and others struggling that is based on compassion and unconditional support.