Bay Area CTBR Commuter Retreat
Discover the Original ‘Why’ and ‘How’ of our Addiction Recovery
“The Steps are like a medicine capsule with 12 ingredients —you take them ALL when you want to get well. How long do you want to stay sick?” Clarence Snyder, one of the first 40 members of A.A.
Experience the Twelve Steps as the A.A. Founders practiced and taught — in a matter of hours! Clarence Snyder and friends reclaimed this process in 1966 when they started weekend retreats. The retreats now number over 35 per year in the world. Early members of AA, such as Dr Bob and Clarence S, took people through the 12 Steps as early in their recovery as possible and in a matter of hours, and that’s what you can experience at this retreat. Clarence’s story is in the first three editions of the Big Book (#11, “The Home Brewmeister”). Using the AA Big Book, the 12 Steps, and the life-changing principles of the Oxford Group, the retreat shows you the way we have recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body and are now living in freedom from addictions. “…pick up the simple kit of spiritual tools…” as described in the A.A. Big Book, page 25.
October 20-22nd
Quinlan Community Center
10185 North Stelling Road, Cupertino, CA, 95014 US
- Lunch and Dinner served Saturday
- Snacks throughout the weekend
- Printed Legacy Guide included
- One on one 5th Steps
- Small group discussions
- Full Payment due at registration
- No refunds after October 10th
- Our registration fee helps cover the costs associated with food, venue, printed materials and other associated costs to run this event.
Registration open
For questions or to request financial assistance, please contact Casarah at casarah@cametobelieverecovery.org
Tentative Schedule